Friday, 26 August 2011

Tokyo Police Club Interview

This week, Tokyo Police Club began work on their new covers album. It's 10 songs from the past 10 years, each song took 10 hours to record and they're releasing them over the 10 day period in which they're recording them. Early in the week I spoke to their singer David, here's the full interview.

If you wanna check out any of the covers they've done, go to their website:

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Holy Random Stuff In Boxes!

Recently, I started shuffling things around in my apartment to make room for a roommate. In doing so I found some very random things that brought back hilarious memories. Let's go through them shall we?

I was 16, I played bass and sang in a funk metal band called Strange Like Wood (weird name eh?) this was one of the first, and among the few, shows we ever played. No money, got paid in sponsored t-shirts & chips, why haven't I retired yet? :P

Last summer I road tripped to Ottawa & Montreal to see Iron Maiden on their Final Frontier tour. These were the VIP passes that got me back stage and close enough to the band that I could wave at them, raise a beer to cheers them & they responded haha.

While we're talking concerts, I tend to keep my ticket stubs from all the concerts I go to. There's Billy Talent, Offspring, Neil Young among the many. Good times.

For some reason, Eric Cartman from South Park. I recall a friend giving this to me, I don't recall why. It is now proudly displayed in my living room.

And finally a dancing Elvis. Not sure where this came from, but it will possibly be a gift for Floyd to appease her love of the king. Lord knows what else is kicking around. If you ever get bored, go looking through old boxes, the things you'll find will likely make you laugh, well worth the time spent cleaning!

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Hungry Hearts On Live Underground

Hungry Hearts are from Fredericton & will be playing Elephant & Castle tomorrow night. Tonight on Live Underground I spoke with their singer. Here's the full interview.

Check out their album at

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

First Gray Hair!!

I've gotten the first sign that I'm no longer a young punk. My first gray hair, check this shit out!

What?! You can totally see it!........ Alright, so it's not THAT noticeable. But still, it's my first gray hair, I was caught off guard at first. But now I think I'm cool with it, I've got friends that have patches of gray all over their heads. Also, as it was pointed out on the Live FB page, gray on the top of your head is nothing, gray downtown is a whole other thing to worry about :S

Monday, 8 August 2011

MFEST Interviews

MFEST was a blast! Great crowd, awesome performers, had lots of fun. I got to chat with some of the bands, here's the interviews if you missed them.

Tim from Hey Rosetta!

Carmen Townsend

In-Flight Safety

And for some reason the other two interviews won't embed, so let's go old school & follow the link.