Sunday, 10 April 2011

Social Netowrking Free... Almost

Well I achieved my goal of not using facebook or twitter outside of work for a week. Did a lot in that week, hung out with friends, played music, wrote some songs, cleaned the apartment, actually felt like I had accomplished things. The 2nd week has not gone as well. In the last couple days I've been browsing twitter when I'm bored, which begs the question, "if I'm bored, why don't I do something productive?" Good question. Next time I'm bored I'll set a goal for myself to either learn to play a new song on guitar or write a song. Learning a song may be the easier choice depending on song selection. Let's see how we do from here.

On a serious note, if you're like me and addicted to the technology, take some time out of your life to reconnect with reality by doing whatever you used to do before social networking & cell phones consumed our lives. You might rediscover a passion ;)

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