Sunday, 12 June 2011

Time for A Rant!

OK, so one of my biggest pet peeves about this new age of social networking is that it makes everyone think they know everything about anything and feel that their opinion, regardless how misguided or ignorant, is one that everyone shares and thus must be publicly broadcasted. Example: There are groups, events and fan pages on Facebook, generally created to promote something or get awareness out about a particular group/organization/business. So when someone doesn't like or agree with something on that group they feel the need to make posts on that page complaining.

I'm a firm believer if you ever have a complaint, you should address it personally & directly to the person in charge of what you're complaining about. To do so on a public page dedicated to fans of that page is NOT the place to do so. I've seen it so many times on an event page, people s**ting on how bad the event is, on groups complaining about services and so forth. Simple solution; if you don't like that event, don't go. If you don't like an organization/business/group don't be a part of it, don't buy what they're selling, don't pay any attention to it.

It's kind of disturbing when you think of how negative people have become... or if there was always this much negativity, it's too easy to make it public now. If you don't like something, fine don't like it, but don't hate on people who do. If someone has worked hard to create something, what gives you the right to bash them publicly in front of people who like what they have created? All I get out of something like that is that you're a small individual seeking attention, rather then approaching something in a rational and adult manner you've chosen the method that is.... well, the best way I can describe it is "A D**k Move."

So I'm a little disgusted by what dysfunction social networking has created, making it seem that this behaviour is acceptable. I'm a little concerned for the future, I think we all need to keep the BS to ourselves, try a positive outlook on life, less criticism and maybe we can all co-exist peacefully.

Thus conclude todays rant. For sticking through the whole thing, how about some angsty Canadian punk that seems topical:

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