Sunday, 11 September 2011

Remembering 9/11 Ten Years Later

Today is the 10th anniversary of 9/11. It's hard to believe that it has been that long. 10 years ago I was in grade 9 at a new school where I didn't know too many people. I remember going to school that day, the first tower had already been hit, but I was unaware at the time. I was in first period of the day, can't remember which class, science or something. Part way through this class the announcement came over the PA for all staff to attend an emergency meeting after 1st period.

After that period I went to French class, the teacher came in a few minutes later. To her credit as a teacher & a strong person, she held her composure quite well while explaining what happened, but she was still quite in disbelief. We then proceeded to listen to the radio for news updates of what was going on. It wasn't long after that I recall they sent everyone home on buses. It's strange how I remember that morning so vividly, but after going home it's all a haze. I watched some TV news coverage and listened to music until my parents came home & really explained what had happened. However, at 14 I didn't fully understand, it took some time for it to sink in.

I find I identified with a lot of different music around the time of this event more strongly then I ever have in my life. Two songs come to mind, I remember the videos for these getting played a fair bit on Much Music in the days following the attacks. I can't imagine having to program a station in the wake of 9/11, the careful steps you'd have to make, when you're usually upbeat you've got to dial back the personality, be honest without being a complete downer. It must have been very difficult for any of my peers in the broadcast industry. But going back to the two videos I remember being played heavily following that day.....

Live's "Overcome." Although the song had been written before 9/11, the lyrical content fit really well especially when they took footage from the aftermath & used it for the video.

Staind's "Fade." Break The Cycle was an album I used to play a great deal, the video for Fade is burned in my memory as Much Music played it around this time 10 years ago. The actual music video won't embed on here, so here's an acoustic version:

If you want to watch the actual music video here's the link:

Today, I remember what happened, where I was & how it changed my entire world. I hope you do the same.

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